The worldwide mobile ad market is projected at $16.65
billion this year by eMarketer. That’s $8.85 billion for Google
and $7.80 billion for everybody else. eMarketer projects
that Google’s market share, which includes YouTube, will
be 53.17% in 2013, up slightly from 52.36% in 2012.
Meanwhile, Facebook’s continued emphasis on mobile
monetization, along with its users’ ongoing shift toward
mobile devices, is resulting in dramatic gains. eMarketer
says Facebook is expected to see its share of mobile ad
revenues reach 15.8% this year, up from
just 5.35% in 2012, which was the first
year that it had any mobile ad offerings.
Both Facebook and Google are
now the top ad publishers not only for
mobile, but for all digital as well. Across
all devices, Google remains by far the #1
digital ad publisher in the world and will
take in nearly 33% of all digital ad dollars
worldwide this year – that’s $38.6 billion out of a total pie
of $117.6 billion – eMarketer estimates, up from 31.46% in
2012. Facebook will also increase its share of the total, to
5.41%, while Yahoo! will lose some ground to under 3%
($3.5 billion). Microsoft’s share of the worldwide digital ad
market will hold steady at 2.5% ($2.9 billion).