The latest Harris Poll measuring how the public perceives twenty-two of the nation’s largest industries indicates that there have been massive changes in the reputation of certain industries over the last two years. The greatest beneficiary of the changing attitudes has been the car business. In one key measure, the difference between those who think an industry is doing a good job in serving customers and those who think it is doing a bad job, the auto industry went from a plus 6 in 2009 to plus 42 in 2011. Airlines took the biggest hit in perceptions over the same time period, going from plus 34 to plus 7. The industries with the best images among the public are supermarkets (plus 80), online search engines (plus 74), hospitals (plus 66), computer hardware companies (plus 61) and computer software
companies (plus 55). On the other hand, those industries with the worst reputations are oil companies (minus 31), tobacco companies (minus 21), managed care companies (minus
13), health insurance companies (minus 9) and investment and brokerage firms (plus 3). What is the significance of all this? Obviously, some industries need a big marketing/public relations campaign aimed at convincing people that they care about customer service and service to the community, Larry John Wright’s PRISM (Public Relations, Internet, and Social Media) is getting incredible “reputation” results for our clients. Give us a call today at 1-800-821-5068 and find out more. Visit our website at