While many retailers have been concentrating of late on their online commerce sites, encouraging shoppers to visit their websites and do their shopping there, Advertising Age says that chains are now using mobile apps to encourage and assist shoppers right in the bricks and mortar locations. By and large, the majority of retailers at the moment are using mobile to add to the in-store experience. The area of mobile-commerce is definitely growing, but most retailers are still heavily invested in stores. Mobile provides a quick win when it aids retail. Some stores have developed a mobile app that allows customers to browse the inventory of the shop nearest them. Transactions can be completed on the mobile, but the app provides store information and even directions. Mobile advertising and marketing is definitely part of retailers’ strategy. If you would like to know more, call Larry John Wright today. We can help you understand your opportunities. Contact Jackson Wright today at 800-821-5068 or visit www.LarryJohnWright.com