Recent reports say digital ad spending is growing

by leaps and bounds and increasing its share of total

marketing budgets. You might think that has to be bad

news for television, but another new report says television

is not being displaced and continues to be the number

one medium for marketing dollars.

“Online and digital advertising is growing fast, but

not at the expense of television. To be sure, the landscape has

changed. tThe advertising mix,

previously dominated by traditional media,

has seen U.S. Internet ad spending grow in share from

15.4% in 2009 to a projected 25.6% in 2015.

Even so, television will continue to grab the lion’s share

of advertising dollars, estimated to capture $68 billion in

total U.S. spending and 39% of total share through 2015.

While many had predicted that online video viewing,

made possible through services like Hulu, YouTube

and Netflix, would take viewers from traditional TV, the

whitepaper says it seems we have an insatiable appetite

for media, with more people interacting online about their

favorite TV shows — and 40% using an Internet device

while watching TV. With American’s strong appetite for video

entertainment, experts are predicting a boom in growth

for high definition (HD) TV advertising. Until now the cost

of distributing an HD ad has been 5-10 times that of a

standard definition (SD), so many advertisers have been

running SD ads, which look cut-off or shrunken in HD.

A survey of 250 marketers found that

their companies now devote an average of 25% of their

marking budget to digital efforts. Multiple digital channels

are being utilized, including company websites, social

media and digital advertising.

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